Multi-metal sulfide ore general flotation

Multi metal sulfide ores Ore primarily copper, lead, zinc and sulfur. Lead ore or zinc ore of a single metal in nature is rare, and the common ones are lead-zinc, copper-zinc, copper-lead-zinc, lead-zinc-sulfur, copper-lead-zinc-sulfur symbiotic ore. These ores contain more or less pyrite or pyrrho

Top 10 problems common in flotation process

1. What effect does grinding grain size have on flotation? The coarse ore particles (greater than 0.1 mm) and the extremely fine ore particles (less than 0.006 mm) at the time of flotation are not well floated and the recovery rate is low. In the case of flotation coarse particles, the exfoliatio

Cobalt ore beneficiation technology

(1) Cobalt ore dressing Cobalt is associated with iron , copper and nickel ore. There are mainly four kinds of cobalt ore in China: copper nickel cobalt ore, copper cobalt ore, iron cobalt ore and cobalt ore. Different beneficiation methods are required for different main minerals. Copper nickel

Characteristics of mine wastewater pollution

In the course of certain use of water, if the use value is lost, the water is called waste water. The basic cause of the loss of water use is the presence of pollutants in the water. Most of the pollutants are transferred from the use environment to the wastewater: but there are also very few waste

Mineral processing method of rare earth ore

According to the difference in physical and chemical properties of rare earth minerals and associated gangues and Other minerals, the ore dressing of rare earth ores usually adopts the following methods: 1. Radiation beneficiation method The main use of different levels of thorium ore rare earth

Understanding the common iron ore flotation process

Iron ore resources in China, though rich, but 95% of the iron ore beneficiation and processing needs, and magnetite accounted for only about 30%, the rest is weakly magnetic iron ore and multi-metallic ore. The characteristics of iron ore in China are “poor”, “hetero” and â

Basic understanding of flotation regulators

Regulators are often used during flotation to alter the properties of the mineral surface and to improve flotation conditions. According to the action properties of the medicament, it is divided into four categories: inhibitors, activators and medium regulators and flocculants. 1) Inhibitors. It i